jungle, mage
jungle, mage
Reim is a grumpy old winter mage who freezes everyone who crosses him. Though he moves slowly, he deals heavy damage to opponents while being surprisingly resilient himself. He holds his own in the lane, but he’s particularly effective in the jungle where he can go toe-to-toe against most opponents that he can catch.
Reim Stats
Hit Points(HP)
739 (+105)
HP Regen
Energy Points(EP)
220 (+22)
EP Regen
Weapon Damage
80 (+6.73)
Attack Speed
25 (+2)
25 (+2)
Attack Range
Movement Speed

Heroic Perk
Reim’s basic attacks deal 20-54 (+125% crystal power) bonus crystal damage over 2 seconds and grant 50% of the damage dealt with this effect as fortified health (reduced against non-heroes).
Reim’s attacks and abilities also chill opponents. Basic attacks against targets that are already chilled apply a 60% slow that decays over 0.6 seconds.
(Fortified health absorbs 50% of incoming damage until it is depleted.)
Reim Abilities
Reim Abilities

Heroic Perk
Reim’s basic attacks deal 20-54 (+125% crystal power) bonus crystal damage over 2 seconds and grant 50% of the damage dealt with this effect as fortified health (reduced against non-heroes).
Reim’s attacks and abilities also chill opponents. Basic attacks against targets that are already chilled apply a 60% slow that decays over 0.6 seconds.
(Fortified health absorbs 50% of incoming damage until it is depleted.)

Reim summons a spire of ice at a nearby location, dealing crystal damage to surrounding enemies. After a short delay, the spire shatters, dealing heavy crystal damage. 35% of the damage dealt with this ability is gained as fortified health. Damage dealt and fortified health gained is reduced against non-heroes.
This ability deals 25% increased damage to chilled targets.
Reim Abilities
Reim Abilities

Reim summons a spire of ice at a nearby location, dealing crystal damage to surrounding enemies. After a short delay, the spire shatters, dealing heavy crystal damage. 35% of the damage dealt with this ability is gained as fortified health. Damage dealt and fortified health gained is reduced against non-heroes.
This ability deals 25% increased damage to chilled targets.

Reim deals a burst of crystal damage to all surrounding enemies (25% damage to minions).
This ability roots enemies who are chilled, temporarily preventing them from moving. A rooted enemy can still attack.
Reim Abilities
Reim Abilities

Reim deals a burst of crystal damage to all surrounding enemies (25% damage to minions).
This ability roots enemies who are chilled, temporarily preventing them from moving. A rooted enemy can still attack.

Reim summons an ancient valkyrie, devastating enemies at the target location. All enemies are slowed, while enemies closer to the center are stunned and take increased damage.
Reim Abilities
Reim Abilities

Reim summons an ancient valkyrie, devastating enemies at the target location. All enemies are slowed, while enemies closer to the center are stunned and take increased damage.
Reim Skins
Reim Skins
North Wind Reim
Tier 1 / 3
Reim Skins
Reim Skins
North Wind Reim
Tier 2 / 3
Reim Skins
Reim Skins
North Wind Reim
Tier 3 / 3
Reim Skins
Reim Skins
Deathless Reim
Tier 1 / 1